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What will today hold for you? Do you wake up in the morning carrying the baggage from the previous day or do you try to start the day as a new beginning? How we approach the coming day affects our attitude, and how we will view the things that happen to us.  Dwelling on past events may hold you back from appreciating the opportunities that might come up in the next 24 hours. Everyone has bad days. Not every day will be perfect and we need to make sure that our children understand that as well. We want to pass along the mindset that it’s best to start your morning out optimistically and handle things in stride that may go wrong. This will help them keep an open mind to the opportunities a new day has in store for them.

a positive start

As I mentioned in a previous post, GOOD MORNING! start your day with positivity, not everybody wakes up in the morning happy. Taking yourself out of a bad mood may not always be the easiest thing, but it’ll make for a better day if you do this. Giving yourself time in the morning to get in a better headspace can really impact your day. Meditate, enjoy a cup of coffee, have a good conversation with your family… these little things will help put a good start to your day. It’s the same for our children. It’s good if we can help them get out of a bad mood if they’re grumpy. Talk to them about things that are going to be coming up and ask them questions that might improve their mood. Our encouragement is important to our kids. As a parent, we usually know what gets our children excited and can draw them out. (unless they’re a moody teenager, and that’s a whole other lengthy topic 😉)

hunt the good

As the day progresses, continue with a positive mindset. If something bad happens try not to see it as a downward spiral where everything compiles to make for a bad day. Look for the good things that can offset any of the bad. By taking note of the positive, we’re able to identify and dismiss the negative or at least put it into perspective. See these things as opportunities to learn.

be excited about the possibilities of a new day!

There are so many possibilities that can come from each new day. Whether they present themselves or you seek them out. If you open yourself up to them it can be very rewarding and enrich your life. Look for opportunities for you to learn something new, accomplish a goal, complete a project, or even as small as making someone smile. By being positive, we’re able to plan for the future and think about what we would like to do. If we’re emotionally negative we won’t be open to thinking positively about the future. Our children will benefit from seeing us approach each day with a positive mindset. So be grateful and optimistic for the day ahead!

books filled with possibilities

Start each day with a sense of wonder and possibility with these uplifting stories. Through characters who embrace the joy and adventure that each new day brings, these books teach young readers to approach life with optimism and enthusiasm.

coloring fun

Please enjoy this free Tot Tails coloring page to help share this message with your child.

share with us

We would love to hear your experiences and advice on empowering little ones to greet each new day with a sense of excitement, fostering curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning. Are there any books or resources you feel can help? Thanks so much for reading and feel free to comment below!


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