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christmas kindness countdown craft

christmas kindness countdown craft

Christmas is supposed to be a time of celebration, happiness, family, and giving. However, let’s face it! For many children, it’s primarily about receiving gifts they’ve been longing for.

Although especially during this time, it is stressed that little ones behave in order to earn their presents, many parents have even had to resort to a tattle-telling elf in order to get their kids to be mindful of their behavior.

With that in mind, we are pleased to bring you this holiday craft that reinforces positive parenting by teaching children to think beyond themselves and show that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big impact.

This is a simple yet meaningful craft to countdown to Christmas. While creating this classic paper chain, you and your children are given an opportunity to discuss the importance of kindness not only during the holidays but daily.

what you’ll need

  • Tot Tails Christmas Kindness Countdown Craft printable PDF file

  • Construction paper

  • Scissors

  • Glue stick


Print out the free printable PDF on construction paper


As an added option, we’ve included additional blank strips that can be personalized to your family. They are also a great way to encourage your child(ren) to come up with their own ways of showing kindness.


If your child is able to wield safety scissors (or in the process of working on their fine motor skills) encourage them to cut out each of the kindness strips.

If they are too small or unable to cut for themselves, offer to help them out and cut the strips for them.


Once all strips have been cut, arrange their color order to make a pattern if you wish and begin gluing them into a paper chain – linking each of them together in loops and gluing the ends.


Hang the completed paper chain anywhere it can be accessed daily – maybe along with the ornaments on the Christmas tree or on the fireplace mantle.

countdown and practice kindness daily

Each day remove a loop with your children and read the kindness activity they will aim to accomplish for the day.

The strips can be put in any order and you can even write numbers on them to teach counting and subtracting, but more importantly, so your children can see the big day drawing closer.

You can also add more kindness strips and countdown to New Years.

We hope you and your little ones enjoy doing this craft! But even more than that, take joy in teaching your children the importance of kindness that is sure to last throughout the New Year.


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